
Saturday, May 26, 2012


Today I had a soccer game at 9:00 A.M.! I got at the field at 8:00, so we could practice.
We won 4-3 and it was SUCH a close game!
After I got home, I wrote one of my stories and finished it, ate food (*_*) and now I'm here!
Nothing really happened today, but I promise that tomorrow will be busier... I wonder why I'm looking forward to that...
Well tomorrow I'm going out to Breakfast.
Let me explain what we do in my family.
One week on Sunday we go to Church, next we go out to Breakfast.
My Grandma, or as we all call her Grammy (do NOT ask why we call her that... no one knows, exactly), and my Aunt June take us out to Brekafast with out cousin Russell. *us* as in Heather and Ashley, my two sisters.
But now Russell is in college and he's not there.
BUT!! Now his college season is over, and he'll be with us in two weeks until he goes back to college for his next year there!
So... I'll tell you about tomorrow later!!

That crazy eleven year old girl, Laurie :)

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