I'm watching 1408 with my sister and her friend.
It's kinda corny, yet startling at points. Okay, so it's kinda really corny. Like, laughing corny. But hey, we're having fun while laughing at my sister cuddling a toy penguin (long story).
... Wow... Now he's telling himself to shut up. Haha. :D
In the movie, the acting is corny (I think I said that already). I don't want to critisize though.
The movie about a writer who was actually quite good until his daughter passed away and he and wife separated from each other. He has crappy writing, basically and he's a ghost novel writer. He finds this hotel called The Dolphin Hotel (who names their hotel dolphin? hehe) in New York. Apparently, he learns, that there is a phsycotic room where all the guests inside committed suicide. He decides to (STUPIDLY) check out the room and stay for a night. A lot of creepy stuff happens, like ghosts jumping from windows and a creepy murdering ghost lady.
The end of the movie (I will not reveal the end. First, I have ten min. left of the movie. Second, I don't wanna ruin it for people) is not how the book ends, as I'm told by my sister's friend. He said that it ends entirely different and they add dialogue, scenes etc. He(He is my sister's friend) also said that there is no wife or kid in the book. *shrugs*. It's a Stephen King book. :)